Tips For Maintaining A Secure ERP System
Enterprise Resource Planning systems are vital for ensuring that the internal processes of the organizational network are standardized and streamlined for increased productivity and better work flow. Like any system, the ERP needs to be regularly maintained. Many businesses fail to realise this until something goes wrong and data is lost. There are a variety of threats faced by an ERP system; these threats can be both outside of an inside the organization. Some of them include employees, lack of knowledge, lack of security measures, hackers and the complexity of the system itself. The following tips can help your ERP system to continue functioning at optimum levels. Keep Your ERP System Updated ERP systems must be updated regularly. It prevents bugs from attacking the system…
Read More5 Reasons To Avoid Over Customization...
When implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning system, there is the tendency to over-customize, especially if the processes in your system do not quite match the ERP system. While customization clearly brings advantages, over customization can cause problems that override the benefits. You should always go for a standard system rather than customization, and here are some reasons why. Postponed Go-live Dates Go-live dates are important when implementing your ERP system. When you are attempting to customize, this pushes back the go-live date. Budget estimations increase and…
Read MoreThings To Remember While Buying QMS...
Technology can be a useful tool when implementing a Quality Management System (QMS). When searching for a vendor, you must be clear about what you are looking for and who is able to provide it. Here are some key steps to help you in the decision making process: Identify your needs Clearly identify your needs. Your needs should guide the rest of the buying process. If you are not sure what your needs are, then ask yourself (and others) questions surrounding key facts, such as: What…
Read MoreHow To Implement QMS In Your...
The success of any firm depends on its ability to satisfy its customers, and the level of customer satisfaction depends on the quality of goods and services being delivered. Therefore it is important for firms to implement a comprehensive quality management system that involves the input of all employees. How is this to be accomplished? There are key steps that a company must take to have a successful QMS: Reorient employees to organization’s mission Employees must be aware that what they do directly impacts the organization’s…
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