The leaders in
ERP-Integrated Quality Management Software

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Here are frequently asked questions we receive about our Quality Management Software during the sales cycle:

How is uniPoint sold?

uniPoint is a configure-to-order quality management system (QMS) which is sold per concurrent seat. The core modules are sold as a bundle and the add-on and web modules are sold a-la-cart. Contact our Sales Department for a specific quote on your needs.

Is uniPoint difficult to use and implement?

Our customers tell us that uniPoint is the easiest software application they have ever used. There is only one way to navigate, search and print a report. Every module looks and feels the same, and uses a consistent design philosophy. You will find that once you learn one module, they all work the same. This translates to fast ramp-up speed and lower ongoing training costs.

Will uniPoint integrate with our ERP system?

Yes! uniPoint is the industry leader in ERP-Integration Quality Management Software. We offer standard integrations to over 30 leading ERP systems. Using our Custom Integration Module, we can also build custom integration to any ERP system using a database that is ODBC-compliant.

How do I get uniPoint Technical Support?

By calling our support department at 204-410-5055, ext 1, or by emailing Here is a link to see our Support Department Hours & Schedule.

Can some of our existing quality data be imported?

Yes! We often help customers’ kick-start their uniPoint implementation by importing their Document Library and/or Tooling & Equipment Master files. This work assessed up front. The customer is responsible for exporting the data out of their existing systems to a spreadsheet, and uniPoint assesses the data for compatibility, identifies required data scrubbing, and quotes the import on an hourly basis. Contact Sara to help you with your importing needs.

How much uniPoint application training is required?

A typical uniPoint Core Module installation requires 3-5 days of on-site application training. Our team of uniPoint Consultants are all ISO experts and can help you marry uniPoint into your existing quality system.

How long will a uniPoint Implementation take?

Depending on the resources management dedicates to the project, our customers implement our quality management software quickly, typically within 30-45 days. A uniPoint implementation is very different from an ERP implementation – which relies on master files of data being installed first – Customers, Vendors, Jobs, PO’s Employees, Work Centers, Inventory Items, etc.. In an ERP-integrated uniPoint implementation, all of this data comes over automatically the moment you log into the software! So you simply have to complete your uniPoint training and set a start date to begin using each module.

Does uniPoint offer FREE Virtual Training Seminars?

Yes, all customers on active support can sign up for unlimited FREE virtual training classes. Each month, uniPoint offers instructor-led, group training classes on the Core Modules, Add-on modules and Inspection Modules. This is a fabulous way to give your employees their first look at uniPoint prior to the onsite training. Plus if you hire a new employee, or have an employee that wants a refresher or has specific questions, they can get FREE uniPoint training every month. Here is a link to our monthly training webinars.

Does uniPoint have special computer hardware requirements?

No. uniPoint can be installed on the existing server that your ERP system runs on. Here is a link to our hardware requirements and supported operating systems.

How long has uniPoint been in business?

uniPoint was founded in 2002, and is owner-operated with passion and a strong focus on customer service. We have over 1,300 customers throughout North America and have never had an unprofitable year, or a year with an annual maintenance renewal rate of less than 95%. We are quality management software and ISO experts!

Will uniPoint help with my ISO Certification?

Absolutely it will, both in terms of time and money. uniPoint is an ISO-ready tool that will help your company achieve certification and then maintain your ongoing compliance – with an understanding of how much you have invested in your continual improvement (cost of good quality) and how much you have saved the company over time (in reduction of cost of bad quality). Plus your ISO Auditors will drool over our Quality Management Software, our Executive Dashboard, and our Trend Analysis capability.

Does uniPoint manage user workflow?

Yes, it is the hallmark of our system. Our user To-Do List offers the ultimate workflow and offers a distinct advantage over individual email alerts. From our To-Do list, each uniPoint user can see every quality tasks assigned to them; can drill right back to each quality record and take action, can understand any past due activity in red, can re-assign tasks to other users, can participate in the collaborate effort of managing quality with accountability and assurance that no task can fall through the cracks.

Does uniPoint manage change?

uniPoint Requests Module and Web Requests Module will manage any type of quality, procedural or administrative change. Part of our Core Modules, it is the catalyst for managing any change request throughout our entire system – and with user-definable change types, it can be used for almost any purpose.

Does uniPoint manage tooling calibration?

Yes, our Tooling & Equipment module manages all Maintenance, Repair and Calibration Tickets for your inspection gages and production equipment, allowing the input of actual results with a pass/fail indicator and complete Calibration schedule reporting and bar-coded label printing. The calibration status of your equipment is then visible from inside our Inspection Module, allowing you to substitute a planned (un-calibrated) tool with an actual (calibrated) tool.


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Concurrent Users:
Core Modules
Add-On Modules
Web Modules


uniPoint is a compliance tool for the strictest quality requirements of your industry.


Our interface promotes engaged users, and lower on-going training costs.


Eliminate redundant data entry and leverage the data from your existing systems.


Track the frequency and cost of quality events, with our ISO-ready suite of modules.