Non-Conformance Module
A paperless non-compliance management tool that automates manual record keeping and provides detailed statistical analysis.
The uniPoint Non-Conformance module offers the ability to manage the life-cycle of nonconformance events, with cost tracking and assignment of user responsibility at every stage. With detailed and summary reporting, this tool will reduce your NC processing costs by 300-400%.
Key Features
- Track total costs of Non-Conformances on-screen
- Prioritize Non-Conformances
- Advanced Non-Conformance process security
- Complete Non-Conformance visibility at the click of the mouse
General Capabilities
- Specific E-mail Notification
- Standard Text Manager
- Unlimited Attachments
- Update User To-Do Lists
- See Historical Non-Conformance Audit Trail
- Non-Conformance Report/Non-Conformance Accounting Reports
- Non-Conformance Analysis by Type, Origin, Disposition
- RMA/MR Forms
- NC/CA Association/Listing Reports
- Top 10 NC Report