Trend Analysis Module
The uniPoint Measures of Performance modules give you an immediate understanding of the effectiveness of your Quality system. All key Quality and Continuous improvement activities can be instantly analyzed over any time period.
With MOPS, your quality data has the potential to positively impact every department in your company, integrating your quality data into day-to-day decision making. This will take your company beyond tracking and measuring, to using the data for planning, maximizing profits and streamlining operations.
Key Features
- Trend any aspect of the uniPoint quality system by day, week, month, quarter, year
- Set Benchmarks, and compare to actuals
- Spot positive or negative trends instantly
- Measure frequency and Cost of Quality
- Save and re-run Trend Analytics
- Eliminate Spreadsheets
General Capabilities
- PDF & E-Mail Reports
- Export Reports to Word & Excel
- Integrate Security by Report
- Display Data Trends and Targets
- Set Graph Format, Style, and Color
- Get Detailed Breakdown of Graph Data
Understanding the Cost of Quality
- Non-Conformances
- Corrective Action
- Maintenance/Repairs
- Audits/Audit Meetings
- Safety Incidents /Safety Meetings
- Training
- Scrap
- Rework
uniPoint is a compliance tool for the strictest quality requirements of your industry.
Our interface promotes engaged users, and lower on-going training costs.
Eliminate redundant data entry and leverage the data from your existing systems.
Track the frequency and cost of quality events, with our ISO-ready suite of modules.