How Should You Set Your Key Performance Indicators?
Key performance indicators (KPI) can be anything you choose so given all the options, how do you know that you’ve picked the right one? Establishing decent KPIs aren’t that hard, and we can provide simple guidelines for a proper setup, but fine-tuning a well functioning set of KPIs and associated actions in response to the feedback will take some work to figure out. Let’s take the first step in finding out what you should be doing to make your business run the best it can: Tunnel vision on the bottom line At the end of the day, the bottom line speaks volumes about how you, your company, and your employees are performing so keeping an eye on your P&L is important. Basing your decisions on…
Read MoreHow Essential Are Document Control...
Paperwork takes up a large part of our day while on the job, yet most of the time, it can’t – and shouldn’t – be avoided. Document control is always a good idea, but for sole proprietors and contractors who work for themselves, it can be handled manually or by using software that’s freely available. As we think about larger companies, a control system is crucial to meet the needs of a business to ensure that things run smoothly on a daily basis. How important are…
Read More4 Types Of Effective Employee Training...
In this rapidly changing world that has a global 24-hour business day, employees have a lot to manage. As with any problem that needs to be resolved, you could try a number of solutions, but why reinvent the wheel when a dependable solution exists? That’s why employee training is important: your employees will already know what to do when new problems arise. Technical training Firing an employee is not always simple or even desirable. Unless the employee is beyond incompetent, it’s always possible to turn things…
Read More4 Reasons Trend Analysis Is Important...
If you ever meet a consultant who promises they can predict the future and your instinct is to run, you should certainly follow your gut. Acknowledging that even the best predictive modelling in volatile or unpredictable areas of business is mostly miss and seldom hit gives us a humbling and realistic attitude when making business decisions. Having said that, not everything is random — in fact, there are many trends that are easily identifiable, which your competitors may be exploiting already. You don’t want to catch…
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