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Nov 16 | Posted By

4 Tips To Increase Employee Productivity

At the centre of focus for any business is productivity, which is especially important during lean times. You don’t have the man hours to spare to idle chit-chat, daydreaming, and redos of large projects, so make sure that every minute an employee spends at work counts. Review these guidelines to see what you’ve been doing right and how you might also improve. Delegate the work Delegating is tricky because you want the right type of work to end up in the right employee’s hands, and each employee has their strengths and weaknesses. This is completely normal because it happens in every organization, so take a breath before you assign the appropriate tasks. Once assigned, the employees are responsible for their work, meaning you shouldn’t cut…

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Oct 12 Posted By

4 Types Of Effective Employee Training...

In this rapidly changing world that has a global 24-hour business day, employees have a lot to manage. As with any problem that needs to be resolved, you could try a number of solutions, but why reinvent the wheel when a dependable solution exists? That’s why employee training is important: your employees will already know what to do when new problems arise. Technical training Firing an employee is not always simple or even desirable. Unless the employee is beyond incompetent, it’s always possible to turn things…

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Sep 21 Posted By

How To Keep Track Of Your Employee...

Employee training programs are essential for a thriving and flourishing business. When employees are properly trained, they are more likely to go about doing their job right. This is especially important for those that have to deal with customers. There is nothing a customer dislikes more than an untrained customer service rep trying to assist them. The best way to make sure that your training programs are successful is by monitoring them. It is important that you keep track of the programs in place and how…

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